The company is committed to transparent communications with its stakeholders and employees and appreciates feedback





    Your Message

    * required field

    Critical Elements Lithium Corporation

    80, de la Seigneurie West Blvd, Suite 201
    Blainville, Quebec J7C 5M3

       514 904-1496
       514 904-1597


    Jean-Sébastien Lavallée
    Chief Executive Officer
       819 354-5146


    Privacy Officer

    Nathalie Laurin
    Secretary and Chief Financial Officer
    Critical Elements Lithium Corporation
       514 718-5998
    * please note that privacy officer policy is available here.


    Frank Mariage
    Fasken Martineau DuMoulin S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l / LLP
    800, Place Victoria, Suite 3700
    Montreal, Quebec
    H4Z 1E9
       514 397-7540
        514 397-7600


    Transfer Agent

    Steve Gilbert
    Computershare Investor Services Inc.
    1500, boul. Robert-Bourassa, Suite 700
    Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 3S8
       514 982-7639
        514 982-7580


    Marie David
    KPMG s.r.l.S.E.N.C.R.L
    600, boul. de Maisonneuve ouest
    Montreal, Quebec
    H3A 0A3
       514 940-8559
        514 840-2187


    Banking services

    Melissa Du Sault
    Banque Nationale du Canada
    600, Gauchetiere West
    Montreal, Quebec
    H3B 4L2
       438 304-5333